September 5, 2017 was the day the Trump Administration announced the plan to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Children who fell into this category are known as Dreamers. Why are they dreamers? Yes President Obama passed an act called the Dream act, but it is much more than that, it is because these children have a dream of becoming US Citizens.
After September 5, 2017, the dreamers, almost 800,000 of them fell into a purgatory with a threat of losing their path to citizenship. Today we have a republican-led bipartisan strategy on protecting and reinstating the DACA program and giving the dreamers a path to citizenship. Were on the last leg of the race and it seems to be that the dreamers will be protected.
Going against 8 out of every 10 Americans who supported the DACA program was a bold move for the Trump Administration, but his hardline stance on immigration seems to become unphased by the unpopular opinion of the every day American. This is something that activist in support for immigration reform are having a hard time dealing with. With all the negativity, we can say that this bipartisan support is a glimmer of light in a long tunnel.


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