Department Of State Now Requiring Social Media And Email Account Details From Visa Applicants

Department Of State Now Requiring Social Media And Email Account Details From Visa Applicants
The U.S. department of State will now require applicants to provide five years’ of social media user names, telephone numbers, email address, and international travel. Applicants will also be asked whether family members have been involved in terrorist activities. Visa application forms have already been updated with questions seeking the above information.
Applicants will have to fully disclose all email and social media accounts, including any international social media platforms. Common social media platforms that must be listed if used by the applicant are Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter and YouTube. If an applicant does not have any social media accounts, they can simply choose that option on the application. However, applicants failing to disclose their social media accounts, email accounts, or any other information requested would face “serious immigration consequences” including possible claims of misrepresentation or fraud.
These measures are said to have been put in place to further the U.S. government’s goals for higher scrutiny in visa application processing.
For further information about the visa process, please visit our website or contact our office at (248) 557-3645.


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